Tuesday, July 11, 2006


You've been rejected, and now you can't find what you've left behind...

Mood : Complicated

Listening To : People shooting and killing each other ( I'm in a cyber cafe ;p )


*~ I opened my locker ,expecting to see lots of Jill's stuff in it, then I came to realized that she's not sharing the locker with me anymore... she left ADP...

*~ I did something brave and new, but when I look around , I realized that none of my friends are there to laugh at or with me...

*~ I just finish a new brilliant book, but then I realized that there is no one to share my view with...

*~ I want to watch a certain movie, but then my buddies are too busy with their gf/bf or they are just too busy with their own life...

*~ I feel emo though I don't want to, and then I realized there's no one around me at that emo moment, so I hide in my blanket...

*~ I just wish I could have what I wish for...

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